
Showing posts from February, 2015

Current State of Private Equity

A lot of optimism and all the hype and the hoopla revolving around the stock Market did pep up the Indian stock investors when the Modi Regime came on full-throttle in May. But private equity funds in India aren't exactly having their time of the year.  Despite the spate in the stock market, many investors are still  struggling to get out of the investments that they made a few years back when they were rather hopeful about the top private equity firms in India making a mark. But, with slow return of capital, the issue hasn't been really easy to handle.  A lot of it has to do with the economy that has slowed down tremendously, probably in its worst play, in the last decade. Also with the sharp decline in rupee, Indian Private Equity hasn’t had the kind of returns that global investors actually expected in the first place. Yet, investors and stake holders are full of hope. Brushing aside the cynicism galloping the industry, they say that are hopeful that as Indian economy