
Showing posts from March, 2015

Types Of Real Estate

Looking at the real estate market in India requires more than just a quick, fleeting study. One of the most prominent of all concerns and issues, which is often shirked with neglect, is the type of property that one must consider buying. Investment in real estate fund India needs to be one wary decision. You must ask yourself the kind of real estate property that you would want to have—residential homes, shopping malls, warehouses, office towers or any of these. One can’t simply assume that one kind of property will continue to be a good investment just because it has performed well in the past. Income-producing and non-income producing investments: There are largely four broad types of income producing real estate—offices, retail, industrial and leased residential. The other common types are hotels, mini storages, parking lots and care homes.  They all are key income producing investments.  Non-income producing investments normally encompass vacation properties